The show started at 8 and there was a long list of acts, so I assumed it would be a long night.
I am going to give you the exact order of events that unfolded, while posting some youtube videos I took, allowing you to share in my confusion.
First was a possible singer/songwriter named Akira with a traveler's guitar and a cd player. When he discovered the cd player was broken, he kicked it across the stage, and started the song on his guitar. Upon discovering the guitar was out of tune. He placed it down on the stage and announced he would sing a cappella. After 30 seconds, he gave up and told the DJ to start playing again.
Second was another singer/songwriter. He had an actual set, but could not really play guitar well, and could not hit the notes he was trying to in his vocals. For his last song, Akira came back out and played drums. Akira could not play drums, so the song was harmonious between the two musicians.
Then there was a DJ who played a jungle set. The first half of his set was ruined by the fact that Akira tried to play along, and kept losing the beat. Fortunately, the DJ stopped him and the second half of the set was great.
Then came the big act that was advertised. They were called Vanilla Bean. They sang awful pop music and had atrocious choreography, which 6 middle aged men knew by heart and did with them. It was a spectacle, and for that I loved it.
Then there was a Japanese stand up Comedian.
From what I hear, Japanese stand up is awful, and this certainly seemed like it. The focus of his humor, was repeating absurd sounds and facial expressions after every joke. He made a joke about Jackie Chan and one about Street Fighter, but the rest was above my ability to understand. I may have been better off.
Then there was an interview, featuring some actor, who may be in a film that is about to come out. I think what they showed us was a preview for it, but it seemed like a indie film that was only playing in one theatre. Akira was one of the interviewers.
Then there were five guys in tuxedos doing insane dance routines to heavy metal pop songs.
Did you see the man in the deer mask? The bad boy of the group was the one whose shirt was unbuttoned. His trademark move was to zip and unzip his fly like he was picking a guitar.
Then there was a DJ who played DDR style pop tracks and sang along.
Then there was a grindcore band.
After this, I was done. I had had enough. It was 1 AM and I went home, having not seen any of the acts I intended to. That night messed with my mind.
I really really wish I could have been there.