Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Sonic Dimension of Awesome

After my morning ritual, I decided to ride my bike to Shibuya. I knew I would be seeing Boris in Ebisu that night, so I thought I would stay topside for once. There are about 14,667,000 people in Tokyo during work hours. Out of all those people, I managed to run into Ming and the rest of the SUN Academy crew in the middle of the sidewalk. How does that happen? We all exchanged cell phone email addresses and went our separate ways.

I had a blast in Shibuya. I think that it is my kind of area. I saw cool graffiti on buildings, went to an awesome guitar shop, and checked out club Sega. There is nothing quite like the feeling of watching people play the game Gundam vs. Gundam and then wanting to try it so badly, but simultaneously being absolutely horrified of how badly you are going to get your ass kicked by that school girl if you try. She is a killing machine.

I am too tired to write about the concert. I will do it in the morning. But know this: my ears are experiencing a symphony of ringing. So many vibrant frequencies.

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