I am back in Tokyo, and things feel about the same. Unfortunately I am in the Funabashi area and am about an hour from Waseda and Shinjuku. I did not realize how perfect it was to be living in the Iidabashi area until now.
Waseda is pretty amazing. The campus is really nice, and it was packed with people today. The other Yale students and the one Princeton student are awesome as well. I have already had one experience in a restaurant this morning where a bunch of the other students turned to me to translate and give advice. Apparently I might have the second most Japanese speaking experience out of all of us. Interestingly enough, the student who speaks Japanese the best has been abroad since last summer. We actually hung out a little last year.
Mostly I have been sleeping and fretting about not having internet, so I have not explored that much at all. Although my first internet cafe experience was pretty cool. It doubled as a Manga kissaten, but I didn't see anyone browsing. It seemed like the focus was the internet/reading in private.
Hopefully next time I will have more interesting stories to tell.